Thursday, 25 July 2024
Education Technology

Countries with the highest test scores in Programme for International Student Assessment

PISA is the worldwide international standardized test performed to gather the highest PISA test scores and to make an assessment which country is ahead of the others. The National Assessment Governing Body releases the result to compare the overall performance of the countries across the world and the US states. Some of the top performing nations have been Singapore, Japan, Taipei and Korea, although the students of the US international were far above the average students of the world.

It can be said that the nations known for taking the test, dominated the results. However, such a test cannot determine the economic future of this globe as per the experts. The process of test is pretty simple and students are made to appear in a two-hour written test.

The process of conducting the test

For fulfilling the OECD needs, every country needs to draw a sample comprising of 5000 students. Students need to appear for the 2 hour written test where a part of the question paper is multiple choice questions and the rest involves the full fledged answers. They have good ranking in global ranking of students. Just after the cognitive test, students need to devote another hour to answer the questions. The question paper deals with the learning habits, motivation, and family and covers all the related topics to judge the students on a comprehensive level.

The picture of educational stagnation

The results of PISA were pretty disheartening for the US in the previous years. Many countries, apart from the US, made a great progress to surpass the previous outcomes. For instance, Poland scores much better than the US. Vietnam, Germany and Ireland also showed a great progress. Vietnam, in particular, seemed to eclipse US in Mathematics and Science subjects. Results of PISA in the last year offered sputnik like fears to the US which is showing no signs of improvement. Among the 34 countries that were considered, US performed a bit below the average. Amidst 28 million students, US did not perform as was expected. It ranked 26 among 34 nations and scored just 481.

What were the top performing nations in the PISA?

Some of the countries with the highest test scores include Shanghai, Hong Kong, Japan, Netherlands, Korea, Taipei, Colombia, Qatar and Finland. When you talk about reading, US stood out as an average country scoring just 496 and ranked 17. Again it was the same group of nations that outperformed the US. Florida, Massachusetts beat the average mark of the US score. The lackluster result of test scores by US was totally unexpected. It is argued that PISA oversampled the students and included those students who belonged to the low-income group. The top ten nations holding the highest test scores include China, Cambodia, Slovenia, Korea South, Belgium, Spain, Poland, Malta, Serbia and Canada.

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