Friday, 26 July 2024
Home & Garden

Tree Removal Companies: 5 Reasons To Remove Trees

It will come a time when as a homeowner, you need to hire tree removal companies to help you in removing the trees. There are plenty of signs you need to look out for to tell that your trees are ripe for removal. These signs include:

Branches overhanging on your property

Branches overhanging on your property can give your house a unique look, but they are dangerous. In the event the branches break during a storm, they can damage the room, siding, and gutter system.

It’s expensive to repair the roof; therefore, to protect it you should get rid of the tree. You don’t have to remove all the trees with overhanging branches. If the branches are small and the tree is healthy, you only need to trim the branches and you will be good to go, but if the branches are large and the tree is leaning towards the building, you will have to remove it.

For you to avoid removing a tree that you could have saved, hire a professional to help you in determining the health status of your tree.

The tree is diseased

Diseased trees are not only ugly to look at, they are also risky as they can fall onto your property anytime. The trees can also infect neighboring trees leading to a menace.

Just like humans, it’s easy to tell when you are having a diseased tree. Some of the signs that you should look out for include:

  • Yellow or discolored leaves that lack veins and have odd-looking nodules
  • Rotten roots
  • Rotting trunks and branches
  • Weak branches that are falling off

You should note that not all diseased trees should be removed. Some of them might be having a condition that can be fixed. If this is the case with your tree, you should simply apply the right chemical.

Before you bring down the tree, you should contact a professional who will inspect the tree and give you the right action that you should take based on the severity of the condition. obviously, if the condition is worse, you should simply remove the tree.

The tree has invasive roots

Tree roots grow horizontally and vertically. The horizontal roots, also known as the secondary roots are the problematic ones. These roots grow into plumbing lines, the main sewer line, and even into the curb damaging structures.

The roots bring about blockages, plumbing leaks, and other issues to your plumbing and sewerage system. The roots also make it hard for you to mow your lawn. In some cases, the roots shoot off the ground which is dangerous as people can trip over them.

You should work with your tree professional and determine whether you can remove the roots without removing the tree. If it’s possible, you should go with the option as it will be cheaper and faster. If it’s not possible, you have no way out other than to remove the entire tree.

When removing it, ensure that it falls at a safe place. You also should remove it without causing much damage to the ground.

You have the wrong tree in your yard

Different trees do well in different environments. If you plant the wrong tree in your yard, it won’t do well. It will suffer from diseases, have stunted growth, among many other issues.

There is no way the wrong tree with thrive in the wrong environment; therefore, you should remove it when you notice it. Obviously, you should plant the one that will thrive in the climatic conditions in your area.

The tree has been damaged by a storm

If you live in a storm-prone area, your trees might be damaged by the strong winds to the extent that they are irreparable. If the damage is extensive, you have no way out, other than to remove the tree.

If on the other hand, the damage is minor, you can fix it by pruning the damaged limbs.

If you have to remove the tree, ensure that the work is done by an experienced tree removal services MD provider. After removing the tree, remember to also remove the tree stumps as you don’t want to leave ugly looking pieces on your yard. The stumps might also be a risk as people can trip on them.

Parting shot

You should be cautious when removing the trees so that you don’t hurt yourself in the process. As a rule of thumb, you should always wear work boots to protect your feet. You also should wear hearing protection devices such as headphones, earplugs, and many others aimed at protecting you from noise-induced hearing loss.

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