Friday, 26 July 2024

What Are Insect Allergies And How To Treat Them

There are a lot of allergy-causing triggers. One of them is insect bites. This helpful info from allergy physicians will help you to understand everything about insect allergies and how to deal with them.

What Are Insect Allergies?

Insect allergies are mostly caused by insects. Insect bites can, sometimes, have no effect on people at all and the bites can get healed easily too. But, for some people, insect bites can lead to horrible reactions and allergies. If you have these symptoms, you should see an allergy doctor:

  1. Red skin and some bumps on the area where the insect stung or bit you.
  2. Swollen lips or skin with irritated patches all over the affected areas.
  3. Dizziness and lightheaded feeling, once the insect has bit or stung you.
  4. You can feel nauseous or sick after some time where the bug has bit you.
  5. You can feel some pain in the affected areas, as well as in your stomach, in the worst cases.
  6. In rare cases, diarrhea and bloating can also occur, after the biting incident has occurred.

Insect bites are usually caused by the following insects:

Biting Insects

Biting insects like bed bugs, mosquitos, beetles, worms, etc. can bite your skin and sometimes ooze out some sort of liquid from their mouths. This oozing liquid can be the reason for your allergies. The liquid goes inside your bloodstream and causes infections on the skin. Biting insects can leave bite marks and swollen patches on your skin and the surrounding areas can become red, irritated and sometimes, purple, if blood supply is affected in the area.


Cockroaches and dust mites are the primary household pests, which can cause allergies on the skin as well. coming in contact with any mite or cockroach can give rise to a moderate or severe skin reaction. Pests normally don’t leave bug bites, but they can leave the skin feeling irritated, red and sometimes, there might be small bumps on your skin as well, which itch a lot and turn bright red. If the bumps, somehow, burst, they can be filled with water or puss, thus indicating an infection.

Stinging Insects

Insects like bees, wasps, hornets and ants can bite you and leave an allergic reaction as well. The bites are painful, and the bumps or bite marks are swollen and red in color. Sometimes, they can itch and bleed as well. if you itch them too much, they might burst. With stinging insects, your affected area can become super swollen and numb. The swelling doesn’t stay localized and it can go up to your face and other parts of your body as well.

How Can You Treat Insect Allergies?

Once the bite or sting has been made, here is what you can do to treat the allergy and the bite or sting.

  • If you have been stung by a bee, you can scrape on the bump and remove as much venom as you can. The venom from bees is not deadly, but if left longer in the body, the allergic reaction can spread as well. so, removing the venom from the sting as soon as possible will heal your bump quickly and you won’t suffer from a severe allergic reaction.
  • You can try to apply calamine lotion and hydrocortisone on the affected red patches. This will help to alleviate the skin and reduce redness as well.
  • If you are experiencing a lot of itching and irritation, then antihistamines are your best friends. One thing you need to make sure is that you are not giving antihistamines to infants or children who are unable to swallow, otherwise it can be a choking hazard.
  • You can also take pain relief medications if you are feeling pain and discomfort from the bite or sting. Ibuprofen is an amazing painkiller, which will alleviate the pain and make you feel comfortable.
  • If you feel bad and not in good shape, then calling a hospital would be the best idea.

There you go! Now you know how insect bites and allergies are caused, how they can be treated, and how allergies can be diminished with the proper treatment. But be sure to visit an allergy clinic Germantown for proper treatment.

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