Friday, 26 July 2024

How Do You Make It Easy For Customers To Leave Google Reviews

It’s surprising to see a huge number of businesses that boast of happy clients but have close to zero Google reviews. While posting reviews and testimonials on your official page is one thing, users will mostly rely on Google reviews, as there are fewer chances of favoritism and biasedness. Businesses use reseller review management software to get more Google reviews. Therefore, if you are running an online business and want to improve your Google reviews, we have some tips for you to consider. Let’s discuss!

Ask For Feedback Via Text Or Email

Even though it may seem obvious, but perhaps the best way to ask for Google reviews is by texting or emailing your customers. The reason you don’t see this more often is that businesses are usually too shy to ask for feedback.

On the other hand, businesses also believe that their products and services are so good that they will eventually provoke the customers to leave reviews. Although that might be a good thought but does not work each time. Customers are often busy and will not leave feedback unless the product or service is extremely bad. And that is the last thing you would want on your plate.

Therefore, you should try sending an email, and if they do not respond, follow up twice with intervals in between. Make sure that you do not make the customer uncomfortable. The majority of the customers will be happy to leave a review when requested. Therefore, keep your eye on the prize but do not force it.

Give Plenty Of Opportunities To Share Feedback

Providing the customers with as many opportunities as possible to share feedback will increase the likelihood of them providing feedback in return. For instance, if you have a physical location, you can use signage to prompt them to leave a Google review.

Furthermore, you can also provide a QR code that directs the customers to the review page. And the least you can do is add signs in a few noticeable places that ask people to share their experience. In addition to that, you can also ask your sales rep to directly communicate with the customers regarding feedback. However, keep in mind that they have to be extremely polite and never push the customers into an irritating situation.

Create A Google Review Link

Your customers will only leave feedback if they find it easy to do it. The best way to do this is by creating a Google review link and sharing it directly with them. This way, as soon as they click on the link, the customers will be directed to a web page, where they can not only choose the rating but also provide a review.

A downside to this approach is that some businesses believe that directing customers directly to the Google Review page increases the chances of getting negative reviews. To cope with that, it is suggested that you direct the customers to a page where they have the option of either sending a message or leaving a review online.

Prioritize Other Social Media Sites As Well

The online business world is getting extremely competitive with each passing day and getting Feedback on Google Reviews is just a small portion of it. It is important that you focus on other social media platforms such as Facebook as well.

Each platform has millions of users signed up, who search for businesses along with their reviews once they are recommended by their friends and family members. For them, social media platforms are perhaps one of the most authentic ways to learn about a particular online business.

As a result, when the customers observe that you have hundreds of online reviews across multiple platforms, your credibility will increase in their eyes. If you want it difficult, you can ask someone to do it for you as well. There are many people out there that specialize in handling customer reviews and help businesses improve their standing and services etc.


Getting customers to leave Google reviews takes time and patience. It is not something that could be done overnight. Make sure that you pick the right time, technique, review management tools, and keep the efforts consistent. It won’t be long until you are flooded with Google Reviews on a daily basis.

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