Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Who Are The US Election 2020 Candidates

In every US election, the candidates nominated by both the main parties (Dems and Republicans) get the most attention. And as everybody is searching for Trump vs. Biden Florida results, there are definitely other parties who nominate their candidates and participate in the democratic process.

So, to give you an idea about the other presidential candidates in the US elections of 2020, here is a brief list of the most noticeable candidates.

Donald Trump

Republicans are expected to nominate current president Trump once again for a second term in office. Trump has been focusing on his reelection for a long time. In fact, he famously signed the paperwork to run in the 2020 elections just hours after his inauguration in 2017. He has also been talking about this in his rallies.

As for Mike Pence, he is also likely to join Trump once again for the seat of vice president. He has also spoken at some of the Trump rallies lately.

Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg announced his presidential campaign in 2019, and has since been on the national scene. His has been the mayor of South Bend, and is also a military veteran.

However, Pete announced the end of his campaign on 1st March 2020 as he said he saw “No Clear Path” to the nomination.

Amy Klobuchar

Amy Klobuchar is a senator from Minnesota, and she announced her campaign in February 2019.

However, her campaign was halted soon with her decision and announcement of supporting Joe Biden, who has served the country as Vice President in Obama era.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden is most likely the Democratic nominee for the US election 2020. All we have to wait for now is the Democratic National Convention to happen in August, and he will be nominated officially by the party.

Although Biden has not yet nominated any Vice President, he announced earlier this year that he will choose a woman vice president.

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders also ran for office in 2016, but ended up 2nd in the Democratic primary. He announced in February 2019 again that he was running for the office again in the 2020 election.

Bernie Sanders, like most of the nominees already mentioned in this list, announced on 8th of April 2020 that he was putting an end to his presidential campaign. After him, Joe Biden became the strongest Democratic nominee.

Kamala Harris

Senator Kamala Harris announced her run for the office of the president in 2019. She made her announcement in the “Good Morning America” show.

However, her race was very short. She announced that she was quitting her race in early December 2019.

Michael Bloomberg

Unlike most of the other candidates on this list, Michael Bloomberg made a late entry into the presidential race as he announced it on 24th of November 2019.

But a couple of bad appearances made Bloomberg quit the presidential race. He now endorses Joe Biden.

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren is amongst the first major Democratic candidates to announce her candidature in December 2018.

But a hard super Tuesday saw the end of her campaign as well.

Andrew Yang

Yang also came with a strong agenda and announced his candidature early last year. He believes in the theory of Universal basic income for everyone.

However, he also dropped out of the campaign on the day of the New Hampshire Primary. He also mentioned that he did not have enough support to get delegates, which was not feasible for the campaign.

Cory Booker

Cory booker started his campaign from a live video on Twitter on February 1st 2019. He seemed fully determined the day he announced his candidature. However, his short lived campaign also ended in February this year. He mentioned that there was no certain path to success anymore. He also claimed that the business of impeachment was keeping him busy.

John Delaney

John Delaney centered his presidential campaign around getting in early. He started in July 2017. He dropped out of the presidential campaign just days before the Iowa caucus. His campaign is considered as one of the longest presidential campaigns in the American history. But unfortunately, he could not continue his campaign due to specific reasons.

These were most of the presidential candidates in the US election 2020. Let’s have a look at Trump vs. Biden Pennsylvania polls!

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