Friday, 26 July 2024
Home & Garden

8 Things To Know Before Hiring Tree Services

As the fall season approaches, you may look up to your trees, whether it needs maintenance, trimming, or cutting down. As awful it may sound but sometimes it is important to prune or completely remove a tree that is when you require tree services.

Before you proceed to hire any tree service, you should know what to expect and what to ask them before they cut your beloved tree. There have been scams in this job where they rob you of your money, your tree, and also destroy your land. To save you from the hassle, we have listed some questions you should ask your tree service.

Cost Of Insurance

First of all, any tree service you should hire should be insured. This is very important. If they are not insured it means they are not in the business for long and they are also not authentic and cannot be trusted. Plus, if any mishap occurs on-site while tree removal, then who will be responsible for the cost incurred and the damage?

Take Expert Opinion

Take an opinion from an expert arborist who is not directly related to any tree or arborist service. Although tree companies do have arborists, it is better to discuss with someone else who can guide you on which tree should be removed and the pros and cons of keeping and removing certain trees.

Get A Visit And A Price Quote

Do not blindly agree on a price without showing them the tree. Consider at least 3 to 4 tree companies and show them the trees which need to be removed and get a quote for their services. Also do not go for the company offering the lowest price, because they might not be professionals and a bad mess would be created. Go for a nominal price quote by a company that is registered and insured and guiding you well. Also, mark all the trees that need removal so that there is no confusion when the tree cutting process begins.

Juggle The Price

Do not agree on one price but juggle and use reasoning to lower the prices. There are many tree companies that do their jobs at very high rates. But if you persist then they will lower the price.


Contact all those people for whom the company has worked in the past 4 to 5 months. You can ask them about the level of service they received and whether the company was able to handle difficult situations, mistakes, or any mishap, and how they coped with the tree cutting challenges.

Specialized Machinery

If a company is in business for a long time and has proper expertise, then surely, they will have all the proper equipment such as a crane, chainsaw, wood chipper, grinder, protective gear, and other tools. All this stuff is needed for professional tree removal.

Stump And Debris Removal

A tree is not the only thing that needs to be removed, but the aftermath is the actual stuff. When a tree is cut down then a crane takes it away but a lot of branches, leaves, sticks, and debris falls on the ground. A tree removal service should be responsible for picking and packing up the debris as well.

Once the debris is also removed, you are left with an unsightly stump or stumps on your yard. The tree stump should be grinded and then dug out. This way your yard or garden will look perfect and neat.

Will The Area Around The Tree Be Affected?

This is also very important for you to know. Inexperienced arborists or beginners would not know the proper way of cutting trees and can damage your property or landscape surrounding the tree. Then you will be left with a hideous lawn or yard. Professionals will make sure your property stays safe and nothing gets damaged in the process.

Final Word

Once you have asked all these questions and have addressed all your concerns regarding tree removal, stump removal, and roots removal, then you can proceed with your chosen tree cutting service Chevy Chase. However, one last tip is that you should pay 100% only after the work is complete and avoid paying advances. And to cut costs, get quotes from multiple services.

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